Gain control by creating a business that just works
  • How do I grow my sales and increase my profits?
  • How do I build/keep a fantastic team?
  • No matter how hard I work there never seems to be enough cash in the business, why is this?
  • How do I get more of the clients I enjoy working with?
  • How do I get a better balance to between work/life?

Just some of the questions business owners often ask themselves about the challenges they are facing?

At Modus, we work with our clients, those just like you, to give them ‘Control’. This is control over your business and ultimately your life. We work with our clients to develop the business and solve the challenges you are facing.

When supporting our clients in an advisory capacity, as their coach or mentor, we offer a recommended reading list. One of the recommended books is the E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber, that explores why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it.

The Entrepreneurial Myth explored by Gerber covers some remarkable steps that help small business owners create a Turn-Key business, that operates without them, using a proven business development programme. The book demonstrates how to build a business that gives its owner more freedom and produces consistent, predictable results.

People believe businesses are started by Entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurial spirit, and a dream, often fires our desire to start a business, but many small businesses are really started by someone who is competent at what they do (eg make widgets or sell something exceptionally well). The truth is, most businesses are started by Technicians who think that, because they know how to do the technical work of a business, they will be able to build a successful business that does that work. This often works to a point, but not beyond it.

The E-myth explores the difference between The Entrepreneur, The Manager and The Technician and demonstrates how they are ALL within each of us. The book suggests most stay in the Technician mode, the doing or working ‘In’ the business, rather than stepping back and working ‘On’ the business. The case study that runs throughout the book, “All About Pies” helps us to explore these and how we can utilise each at the right time.

Throughout the informative chapters, the author takes you on a journey to identify the stages of your business from infancy and adolescence to beyond your comfort zone to maturity.

As we know from our advisory sessions, the identification of your comfort zone and having a plan to breakthrough this is a key stage in any business evolution towards the real goals you desire for yourself.

The Business Development Programme covered, a complete system for building a business that works, helps business owners like you to explore their aims, objectives, organisation chart and your strategies around management, people, marketing and systems plus much more.

Do you want your business to develop and grow, in size or profitability, and also have it rely less on you?

At Modus, we love to share our knowledge and experience of building businesses, not just an accountancy business, and how the E-myth could be applied to you and your business.

If we can help you apply some of these points, and the accountability, to gain control of your business and ultimately take back your life, then why not join us for a seminar, business clinic or strategy session, at no cost except your time.

All our sessions are offered with no obligation, but an opportunity to meet us and see how we do things differently to really help you get the results you truly desire.

At Modus we are more than accountants. We will help you:

  1. make more money
  2. grow your business in a sustainable way
  3. win back your time

A session with us, could be the most important few minutes you spend on your business this year.

Mike Foster explains his festive reading here


Mike Foster